Filename not being used when RootDir is a badly formatted CLSID.Fixed some issues with FileSelectFile's RootDir\Filename parameter:.Fixed FileCreateDir handling of paths containing "." or "/".Fixed a spelling error in the #Warn Unreachable message.

Backported A_InitialWorkingDir from v2.Backported operators !=, > and >= from v2.When GroupClose indirectly causes another matching window to activate, leave it active even if it isn't matched by the same window specification.Evaluate windows against the window group as a whole, not individual window specifications.It also includes AutoScriptWriter, a macro recorder written by Larry Keys.Ĭhanged GroupActivate and GroupClose to behave more intuitively: The program includes a script compiler that converts a script to an EXE. A regular scripting language (backward compatible with most existing AutoIt2 scripts).A simple yet powerful hotkey (shortcut key) scripting language for Windows, supporting both mouse and keyboard macros (if you're new to scripting, it might be easier than you think check out the quick-start tutorial).A word recognition engine that expands abbreviations as you type them (auto-replace).A keyboard, joystick, and mouse remapper.